Thursday, 15 November 2012

VHDL Tutorials: Decoder 2x4

Behavior Code :


library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;


entity DECODER is
port( I: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
 O: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)


architecture behv of DECODER is

    -- process statement

    process (I)
        -- use case statement 

        case I is
     when "00" => O <= "0001";
     when "01" => O <= "0010";
     when "10" => O <= "0100";
     when "11" => O <= "1000";
     when others => O <= "XXXX";
 end case;

    end process;
end behv;

architecture when_else of DECODER is
    -- use when..else statement

    O <=  "0001" when I = "00" else
  "0010" when I = "01" else
  "0100" when I = "10" else
  "1000" when I = "11" else

end when_else;

Test Bench :

four cases are tested here.

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;

entity DECODER_TB is   -- entity declaration

architecture TB of DECODER_TB is

    signal T_I: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0):="00";
    signal T_O: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
    -- declare the component
    component DECODER
    port( I: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
   O: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
    end component;


    U_DECODER: DECODER port map (T_I, T_O);

 -- variable should be declared within process
 variable err_cnt : integer := 0;

 -- case "00"
 wait for 10 ns; 
 T_I <= "00";
 wait for 1 ns;
 assert (T_O="0001") report "Error Case 0" 
 severity error;
 if (T_O/="0001") then 
     err_cnt := err_cnt + 1;
 end if;
 -- case "01"
 wait for 10 ns;
 T_I <= "01";            
 wait for 1 ns;
 assert (T_O="0010") report "Error Case 1" 
 severity error;
 if (T_O/="0010") then
     err_cnt := err_cnt + 1;
 end if;
 -- case "10"
 wait for 10 ns;
 T_I <= "10";             
 wait for 1 ns;
 assert (T_O="0100") report "Error Case 2" 
        severity error;
 if (T_O/="0100") then
     err_cnt := err_cnt + 1;
 end if;
 -- case "11"
 wait for 10 ns;
 T_I <= "11";            
 wait for 1 ns;
 assert (T_O="1000") report "Error Case 3" 
 severity error;
 if (T_O/="1000") then
     err_cnt := err_cnt + 1;
 end if;
 -- case "11"
 wait for 10 ns;
 T_I <= "UU";  

 -- summary of all the tests
 if (err_cnt=0) then    
     assert false 
     report "Testbench of Adder completed successfully!" 
     severity note; 
     assert true 
     report "Something wrong, try again" 
     severity error; 
 end if; 

    end process;

end TB;

configuration CFG_TB of DECODER_TB is
 for TB
 end for;
end CFG_TB;

Behavior Simulation :

Synthesis Schematic:

  Gate-level Simulation:

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

VHDL Tutorials:Combinational Logic


Combinational Logic Design

Behavioral Code:

library ieee;    -- component #1
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity OR_GATE is
port(   X: in std_logic;
 Y: in std_logic;
 F2: out std_logic
end OR_GATE;

architecture behv of OR_GATE is
 F2 <= X or Y;   -- behavior des.
end process;
end behv;


library ieee;    -- component #2
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity AND_GATE is
port(   A: in std_logic;
 B: in std_logic;
 F1: out std_logic

architecture behv of AND_GATE is
 F1 <= A and B;   -- behavior des.
end process;
end behv;


library ieee;    -- top level circuit
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.all;

entity comb_ckt is
port( input1: in std_logic;
 input2: in std_logic;
 input3: in std_logic;
 output: out std_logic
end comb_ckt;

architecture struct of comb_ckt is

    component AND_GATE is  -- as entity of AND_GATE
    port(   A: in std_logic;
         B: in std_logic;
            F1: out std_logic
    end component;

    component OR_GATE is  -- as entity of OR_GATE
    port(   X: in std_logic;
         Y: in std_logic;
         F2: out std_logic
    end component;

    signal wire: std_logic;  -- signal just like wire


    -- use sign "=>" to clarify the pin mapping

    Gate1: AND_GATE port map (A=>input1, B=>input2, F1=>wire);
    Gate2: OR_GATE port map (X=>wire, Y=>input3, F2=>output);

end struct;

Test Bench for comb_ckt.vhd:

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
entity CKT_TB is    -- empty entity 
end CKT_TB; 

architecture TB of CKT_TB is 

-- declare the whole circuit(entity of comb_ckt.vhd) as a component

component comb_ckt is
port( input1: in std_logic;
 input2: in std_logic;
 input3: in std_logic;
 output: out std_logic
end component;

-- declare all I/O ports from unit under test as signals.
-- signals are usually declared within architecture

signal T_input1, T_input2, T_input3, T_output: std_logic;

    U_UT: comb_ckt port map (T_input1,T_input2,T_input3,T_output); 

 variable err_cnt: integer := 0;

        -- Test case 1
 T_input1 <= '0';
 T_input2 <= '0';
 T_input3 <= '0';
 wait for 10 ns;
 assert (T_output=((T_input1 or T_input2) and T_input3))
 report "Failed Case1!" severity error;
 if (T_output/=((T_input1 or T_input2) and T_input3)) then
     err_cnt := err_cnt +1;
 end if;
 -- Test case 2
 T_input1 <= '1';
 T_input2 <= '1';
 T_input3 <= '1';
 wait for 10 ns;
 assert (T_output=((T_input1 or T_input2) and T_input3))
 report "Failed Case1!" severity error;
 if (T_output/=((T_input1 or T_input2) and T_input3)) then
     err_cnt := err_cnt +1;
 end if;
 -- Test case 3
 T_input1 <= '1';
 T_input2 <= '0';
 T_input3 <= '1';
 wait for 10 ns;
 assert (T_output=((T_input1 or T_input2) and T_input3))
 report "Failed Case1!" severity error;
 if (T_output/=((T_input1 or T_input2) and T_input3)) then
     err_cnt := err_cnt +1;
 end if;
 -- Test case 4
 T_input1 <= '0';
 T_input2 <= '1';
 T_input3 <= '0';
 wait for 10 ns;
 assert (T_output=((T_input1 or T_input2) and T_input3))
 report "Failed Case1!" severity error;
 if (T_output/=((T_input1 or T_input2) and T_input3)) then
     err_cnt := err_cnt +1;
 end if;
 -- summary of all the tests to see if any errors

 if (err_cnt=0) then
     assert false report "Testbench completed successfully!" 
     severity note;
     assert true
     report "Something wrong, try again pls!"
     severity error;
 end if;

 wait;     -- stop running
    end process; 
end TB; 

configuration CFG_TB of CKT_TB is 
 for TB 
 end for; 
end CFG_TB; 

 Behavior Simulation:

Synthesis Schematic:

Gate-level Simulation: